Archive for Fifth Annual CoachVille Conference

I just returned from the Fifth Annual CoachVille Conference in Chicago.  This was my third.  The quality of the information presented at these conferences is alway first rate.  This year was no exception.  Although there were fewer big name presenters than in the past, there was much more “hands on” experience available for people who were interested in developing their coaching skills through first hand experience.  CoachVille CEO Dave Buck introduced his new Coach Two Win system that uses sports terms to decribe the relationship between coaches and the people they coach and that talks about helping your clients to choose to play winnable games in work and in life and then coaching them to win at the games they choose.

For those of you who are not familiar with CoachVille and the training that it offers, I strongly recommend that you visit their website and sign up for next year’s conference in Toronto.

Posted on May 15th, 2006 at 2:51 pm. Filed in Events, News