Eight Possibilities

The coach-approach lawyer invites the client to consider the possibility that:

The client is always free to chose between alternatives and, in fact, chooses constantly, though mostly subconsciously;

The life the client lives is largely the result of the choices that the client makes;

There are advantages to be derived from making conscious choices, rather than subconscious ones;

Choosing one thought over another can give rise to emotions and feelings that can physically change the composition of the client’s body, for better or for worse;

The client can derive advantages from choosing to abandon thoughts of anger, blame, resentment, sin, guilt and fear and to replace them with blameless acceptance of responsibility for the legal challenges the client faces;

The client can derive advantages from letting go of the need to affix blame for legal challenges, whether to others or to the client, him/herself;

Forgiveness may not be enough; curiosity and gratitude just might take you farther;

Learning to distinguish blame from responsibility, then to embrace responsibility may enable the client to explore creative solutions to legal problems, focusing the client’s energy on what can be changed, not on what is beyond the client’s control, allowing the client to shift the client’s life to new levels of productivity and fulfillment.

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